Nystagmus is a complex, incurable eye condition characterised by involuntary eye movements. It affects ability to focus, recognise faces and judge speed and depth. We estimate there are more than 64,000 patients in the UK.
Reaching the 1 in 1,000 adults living with nystagmus
We are delighted to launch our new eyecare professionals CET webinars and welcome some of the most ground-breaking researchers and clinicians as our speakers. We are a small charity seeking to engage with High Street opticians for the benefit of the wider nystagmus community. Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians will learn more about nystagmus, how to accommodate patients in their clinics, how to test their functional vision as well as their visual acuity and to dispense appropriately.
Estimated number of patients seen by newly trained staff.
Delegate feedback at each stage of training. Patient input on training and feedback on clinicians.