Both from asylumseekers/refugees and host Welsh communities will participate in the football tournament including Roma communities. The event will create volunteering oppotunities on the day for CYP. Stalls of Info Advice & Assistance will be present
Local agencies who work with refugees will hold stalls thus Welsh Refuge Council, Migrant Help, Red Cross, Newport City Council, NHS & Gwent Police. This will create partneship and multiagency work opportunities and networking among professionals.
The tournament will feature free food for all and the event will be open to all residents of Newport. Our Partners Streetgames charity and Newport Live will run taste multi sports sessions for all. 500 families are expected to watch the football.
Thus 150 football players including 30 women and 500 adults
500 people will learn Refuge Week 2024 theme and its aims
The 5 aside football tournament brings 150 players both from refuge and host communities while celebrating the talent and skills the refugees bring to Newport city. Furthermore, the tournament is used as a vehicle to integrate refugees into Newport city and promoting community cohesion and building united, healthier and resilient communities. The event is a social capital building new friendships among individuals while combating loneliness and isolation, while creating positive mental health.
Learn about refuge week its themes and aims. Volunteer
Record the numbers of football players and audience. Feedback from beneficiries and partners. Photos
Provide educational resources & market the event among refugees and asylum seekers.
To market the event and invite agencies to put up stalls