Minority ethnic youth will be empowered to manage various projects linked to Music and Heritage and sport. This will promote volunteering opportunities and help overcome isolation and siloed working among the Youth. Visible role models and leaders.
Elderly will be empowered to support various projects linked to Music, Heritage, Culture and Wellbeing. This will promote intergenerational dialogue and help overcome loneliness and poor mental health within the elderly. Increase community cohesion.
RCC engages with Black, Asian and minority ethnic grassroots communities and works directly with the local authority, governing bodies and businesses to promote awareness of race inequality. Initiatives such as the Zero Tolerance to Racism.
The hub will be multi purpose & a safe heaven for all.
The hub will provide a safe space for the Hub members to meet to promote community cohesion and shared cultural understanding as well as providing clear lines of communication and better understanding between grassroots communities and service providers, who will also run support services onsite. Perfect space for community cultural and social events, providing bespoke community offices and hot desking areas, Digital Hub for IT support and teaching space, consulting rooms & meeting rooms.
All of Newport residents via the support offering
We have a volunteer who is an expert on MEAL (monitoring, evaluation and Learning).