Beneficiaries are young people, aged 12-25, with or at risk of developing mental health issues. Indirect beneficiaries are their families & communities as participants become happier, gain confidence & social skills to make a positive contribution.
No.s depend on activity types needed to meet individual need
Young people with or at risk of developing mental health issues will participate in physical activities with specialist coaches. US will deliver 520 hours of 1:1 or small group activities, whilst Keyworkers facilitate engagement and progression. US will grow its network of agencies from health, care, education, justice & voluntary sectors to promote the project and encourage referral. US will grow its provider bank across a diverse range of activities to meet participant’s needs and interests.
Age 12 -25 with or at risk of developing mental ill-health
focus groups or interviews with participants, parents and professionals and sessional observations
Via Grant and fundraising activities, including The Great Northern Raffle
Funding to support young people's satellite clubs
US works with qualified, vetted coaches and trainers to deliver activities to our young people
Agencies from health, care, education, justice, voluntary & community sectors across the North East