Black dancers and audiences discover the rich history of black dancers in British ballet and ballet companies are encouraged to promote this history to their audiences and renew their focus on increasing diversity within their industry.
Communities and the wider ballet establishment have a greater understanding of this overlooked piece of British history, spurring a greater appreciation of the achievements and experiences of these dance pioneers.
Dance students and potential students are encouraged to pursue a career in ballet by learning about the achievements of these ballet pioneers and through meeting these pioneers in person.
The Black British Ballet project aims to fundamentally change the way that ballet is perceived and operates in Britain. UK ballet has long struggled with issues of diversity and access, especially among historically disadvantaged groups. We want to bring contemporary, exciting ballet experiences and stories to communities who have traditionally viewed it as not ‘for them’. The work is based on the PhD research of Dr Sandie Bourne.
Through our book and dance workshops and as show audiences
Through our events, our show, the website and documentary
Through our events, our show, the website and documentary
Feedback, consultation, online data analysis, 1 to 1 interviews.
£52k to develop the website, film, events, action plan and mentoring pilot.
£30k to fund the community tour of Island Movements ballet.
£7k to fund the development of the Island Movements ballet.
Project development and communications support, event hosting, archive access
Event hosting, communications support, archive access
Event hosting, communications support, filmed interviews