Since my child participated in the Huracan project, it has been incredible, he has wanted to come to school & is interested in his studies, I thank the teacher & God for the opportunity it has provided. I think my child now has another perspective
We support young leaders from the Teach For All network to run projects that help disadvantaged children in communities around the world. They use the power of football to engage the children & help improve their life opportunities through education
Our projects not only help the children but always have a wider impact on the community, helping to solve social challenges
Children’s life opportunities are improved through access to education
Gender equality is recognised in all societies and girls have equal access to education
Since my child participated in the Huracan project, it has been incredible, he has wanted to come to school & is interested in his studies, I thank the teacher & God for the opportunity it has provided. I think my child now has another perspective
We are really inspired by the energy and enthusiasm of the Huracan Foundation, particularly throughout 2020 which has obviously been a very challenging year for us all and we know they will go on to do bigger and better things
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