Data not provided by the charity to The Charity Commission (this is not required for some smaller charities or newly registered charities).
Above downloaded figures not in accord with information submitted to Charity Commission, tho’ chart correct. Income £19,125, expenditure £15.105, assets £54,179. Income: membership dues , shop sales, visitor donations. Spend: conservation projects, displays, video animations, research, under guidance of Dr Jones, Ship’s Curator; also publications
Charles Ferris
Newport Civic Society, Our Chartist Heritage
David Leigh
Ann Plowden Trust
Elizabeth Aiken
Jeffrey Grosvenor
Elaine Marilyn Davey
Sangam(UK), Welsh Historic Gardens Trust, Cardiff Civic Society
Dr James Gareth Davies
Dr Rosalie Sian King
S Wales Record Soc, Ch.Inst.Library & Information Profsnl. Benevolent Fund, Magor&Undy Community Hub
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