The Club's new Community Cricket Project will offer 48 'Free Places' for coaching sessions to U10 children (Boys & Girls) and will hopefully see a large increase in participation numbers. The increased numbers will create 4 new Junior teams (Boys U7, U9 & U11's and Girls U12). Demands on the Club's grass wickets (used predominantly by seniors) is already at breaking point, so a new artificial wicket costing £12,500 is urgently required to cope with the increased demand.
A 12 month community programme will be created, using Cricket as a vehicle for engagement, catering for children, young adults and community groups. Over the last 15 years, Cricket participation numbers have declined at a higher rate than other team sports. Welsh Government also estimates health implications costing over £650 million p/a, due to physical inactivity. To counter these trends, Newport Cricket Club’s project to increase participation through organised weekly coaching sessions
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