Our activities support companies with their ESG/social value outreach work. As well as offering sponsorship packages for our Spotlight schools programme of activities, we have developed and delivered employability programmes such as: Sector Insight programmes, Virtual Work Experience programmes, online mentoring programmes to complement existing online or face-to-face work experience programmes, Guiding Futures programmes to support young people to consider future education and career options
We provide a Sector Insight programme for companies, with employees as volunteer mentees and young people in Years 10 to 13 in nearby communities as mentees. Young people will gain an understanding of routes into the sector, roles within the sector, career progression and skills required for the sector. This is a ten-week structured fully safeguarded online mentoring programme. We can work in specific geographical areas of interest for companies.
The UK's social mobility challenges are well-documented, perpetuating inequality from education to career paths. Our comprehensive initiative provides high-quality career guidance, empowering young people to make more confident and informed decisions about their future to work towards a more equitable society. The programme surveys pupils, to find the ones who need our intervention most, a career game, to engage younger students around careers, and 1:1 online mentoring focused on next steps.
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