The charity will run 3 cultural events thus Zimbabwe day on 20th April at Pil Millenium centre, Africa day on the 26th May at Rodney Parade and Black History Month on the 26th October at Maindee school. Events will celebrate Black History and African cultures while broadening understanding & knowledge of Newport residents of the African cultures which have built Newport. The events will feature African drumming, poetry, story telling, fashion show, films, free food, talks, art exhibitions, etc
The 5 aside football tournament brings 150 players both from refuge and host communities while celebrating the talent and skills the refugees bring to Newport city. Furthermore, the tournament is used as a vehicle to integrate refugees into Newport city and promoting community cohesion and building united, healthier and resilient communities. The event is a social capital building new friendships among individuals while combating loneliness and isolation, while creating positive mental health.
The activity is to promote African Arts and culture among chidren and young people and adults which will be linked to Black History Month, Pill Carnival, Caerleon festival and Maindee festival. The workshops will be delivered in youth clubs, community centres and University of South Wales. African drumming & mbira are educational and entertaining & fun while building positive mental health. The workshops will be led by experienced and highly skilled drummers & mbira players based in Newport.
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